Wednesday, November 26, 2008

To Become A Good Students

Being a good students requires hardwork , descipline, and patience. Some view that student life is easy go lucky, but they are wrong. Students life is not easy. There are lots of sacrifices such as budgeting the unsufficient allowance, sleepless night during long exams.

One way to become a btter students is to avoid all bad influenced that can affect to our studiessuch as bad peers, wrong vices like drugs, smoking and dringking hard liquir. Participating in school activities also helps to become a good students. It helps to develop our personality. Through it we discover our hidden talent, another way to become a good student is to have a routine studies, do the assignment asnd homework and stay focus during the discussion.

Time management is very important. We want a learned how to use and handle the time.Sacrifices is just a part of it. We want a better future thats why we study. We have the power to control and drives ourselves so have the determination to become a good students. . .

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